Face Yoga


The online one-on-one personal training is the most effective and stimulating way to learn Face Yoga Clinic’s routines.


Duration: 20 minutes

The key to unlocking your natural beauty.

I’m here to help. I know how overwhelming and challenging it is to begin your face yoga journey.

This session is online and private so you can access it in the comfort of your home or another quiet and confidential place.

The main elements of our first meeting are:

  • Analysing your face to understand clearly your concerns and goals so we can identify what areas of your face you need to work on 
  • Gaining clarity and confidence for yourself to see if face yoga is the right practice for you
  • Finding out if we are a good fit to work together
  • Doing Action Plan to help you start your face yoga journey without overwhelm and confusion



Duration: 6 x 60 minutes

The secret to sustainable beauty for life.

I’m here to hold your hand and guide you with the step-by-step instructions throughout this program.

The Key Session is an entry point of this program.

This is a complete program that makes the perfect choice if you want to increase your face confidence and feel beautiful for life..

Highly recommended for absolute beginners who are looking to get started or ideal as a *beautiful gift for a loved one or a special friend.

The best parts of this program are:

  • This complete program consists of 6 lessons so you can learn how to correct your upper body posture, activate, relax and firm your facial and neck muscles and reclaim your face confidence
  • The lessons are run weekly so your built up tension can be released and your muscle strength can be gained and enable you to move on to the next step successfully
  • Every lesson will cover different parts of your face so you can learn the best combination of face yoga poses to improve the given areas
  • Each face yoga pose will be tailored specifically to your individual needs so you can achieve the best possible results
  • You’ll get done-for-you custom Workout Plan for a week with daily face yoga routines prepared especially for you upon completion of the full program that is downloadable and printable so you can smoothly track your progress 
  • After completion of the full program you’ll have the confidence in you to make your own face yoga routines so you can bring out your unique beauty and nourish your inner beauty at the same time
* You can purchase a Gift Voucher via “Contact Me” Form down below
